Fast food is slowing our children’s IQ

If you ask a kid what he/she wants to eat, the answer would definitely not be some healthy dish. Fast food is what pleases the modern generation kids the most and sometimes the parents also give in to the stubbornness of their children when they demand to eat fast food. However, it will be wise if you keep a check on their nutrition intake as it would not be affecting their body shape but also their mind level. A recent study has shown that the children who consume more of the fast food as compared to the fresh, nutrition enriched homemade food have a comparatively low level of IQ.

Though it has been a common fact since forever that homemade food is the best for the physical as well as mental growth of the children, earlier studies have never categorized the foods according to their generic type, and they just focused on the group of food products that should be avoided while feeding the children. However, now that it has been scientifically proved that fast food or junk food as people generally term it, can result in the underdevelopment of your toddler’s brain, make sure that you kid consumes the least amount of the fast food possible, that is, he occasionally grab on to such food items rather than regularly munching them.

Making a child get interested in eating the home made food instead of the fast food is probably one of the most difficult tasks of the world. However, if you will start making different interesting dishes that are your kid’s favorite with the home made alternating options then your kid might love to munch on them with pleasure and you will also get the satisfaction of feeding him the healthy food. Try something new with the food products that your kid likes and play with the flavours so that you tinny toddler can get to taste different things, and hence do not get bored by eating the home made food.

Be very particular about what your child intakes and what not. If he gets bored by the home made food, provide him the dishes that he might find in a restaurant outside. But, make them at home in a healthy manner. Make him some really tempting dishes that you have cooked at home in a proper hygenic manner with the vegetables and flavours that are good for his development so that he would not throw tantrums while eating the food at home and thus consume the necessary nutrition regularly and with ease.

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